Welcome to MKFP

Helping you fulfil your financial and life goals

Independent Financial Planning

You are the focus of our financial planning relationship and your needs drive our recommendations. We believe it is your goals in life that should provide the basis of your financial plan. We will therefore look to identify your goals and objectives then evaluate your existing situation. This will allow us to assess whether you are on course to meet your aims and identify any challenges in achieving them. By obtaining a complete understanding of your present position including your needs and objectives, this will ensure we can recommend an appropriate strategy for you. We intend to deliver a consistently high-quality service which is based on long-term relationships with our clients. As part of this we provide clients with jargon-free communication about their affairs, their investments and relevant financial and economic developments.

Financial Security

We will help you achieve and then maintain your desired lifestyle without the fear of ever running out of money.  Regular reviews will give you the confidence that you are always on the right track.

Peace of Mind

Do you worry about your financial future?  A bespoke financial plan that is designed to meet your goals can give you clarity and focus. Peace of mind will be achieved by knowing that you are in control of your financial future.

Financial Freedom

We want you to achieve financial freedom so that you can live the life that you want to live.  This is why our impartial financial planning focuses on you and your life, not just your money.